About Us
We Are Your Favourite Cigar.
At El Ministro Cigar, we believe that every cigar tells a story—a story of passion, tradition, and the pursuit of perfection. Founded by Miguel Galván, our brand pays homage to the craftsmanship of Dominican cigar makers, who have perfected their art over generations.
Each cigar is meticulously hand-rolled using the finest tobacco from the Dominican Republic, renowned worldwide for its rich flavor and smooth draw. Our collection includes Maduro, Connecticut, Habano, Belicoso, and Robusto, each crafted to deliver a distinct, luxurious experience that appeals to true connoisseurs.
Launched in 2024, El Ministro Cigar has quickly become a symbol of excellence in the U.S., offering a premium smoking experience that elevates the ritual of enjoying a fine cigar. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone or simply unwinding, our cigars are designed to be savored, cherished, and remembered.
Join us on a journey through history, craftsmanship, and unparalleled quality. With El Ministro Cigar, you’re not just smoking a cigar—you’re experiencing a legacy.